3 Ways Employers Can Use Cost-sharing to Align Members with Value-Based Care Goals

  1. Adjust cost-sharing within the episode of care using deductibles
  2. copays
  3. and other cost-sharing variables to discourage low-value care.
  4. Use cost-sharing factors within specific episodes of care
  5. such as shifting stop-loss thresholds or employing a preset episode budget.
  6. Use rewards to promote value-based care goals in episode-based benefit plans.
Notes: From an article entitled, "How Employers Can Control Costs with Episode-Based Benefit Plans," by Kelsey Waddill, based on a report from Manatt Health.

Source: HealthPayer Intelligence, September 27, 2021 - https://healthpayerintelligence.com/news/how-employers-can-control-costs-with-e…